From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Published on 26 February 2025
Last updated on 26 February 2025
Minister for Children, Disability and Equality, Norma Foley, today announced an increased allocation of €350,000 in grant funding for the growing number of Parent and Toddler Groups.
The Minister is delighted to announce that additional funding of €100,000 has been secured, on top of last year’s allocation of €250,000, to reflect the growth of Parent and Toddler groups in recent years.
The funding can be used for a variety of purposes including children’s toys, equipment and books as well as children’s refreshments and snacks. It can also be used for children’s activities such as arts and crafts and music. Parents can also be supported with parenting courses and courses in first aid for children.
The funding will be allocated to Parent and Toddler Groups nationwide through local City/County Childcare Committees (CCCs).
From today, Wednesday, 26 February, Parent and Toddler Groups are invited to make an application for funding under this Initiative through their local CCC.
Following from the success of the additional funding streams in previous year’s grants, the Parent and Toddler Group Grants Initiative 2025 will again offer three streams of funding:
1. €800 for existing groups
2. €1,000 for the establishment of new groups.
Additional funding of up to €300 is available to establish and operate Buggy Walking Groups. These Buggy Walking Groups are organised social walks for parents/guardians and young children. The grant can fund costs such as refreshments, information leaflets and insurances. It is open to any existing or new organisations or groups who wish to offer a minimum of six organised walks within their community.
Minister Foley is today attending the meeting of the Early Learning and Childcare Stakeholder Forum in the Department of Children, Disability and Equality’s headquarters.
Minister Foley said:
"I’m delighted to announced the 2025 round of the Parent and Toddler Group Grants to support the wonderful work of these groups who provide a valuable opportunity for parents/carers with younger children to meet in the community. It is very encouraging to see that more and more parents and toddlers are taking part. These groups are an important source of social contact especially for new parents and parents who are new to an area.
"I am pleased that these grants are supporting the growth of Buggy Walking groups, which were introduced post Covid to encourage more outdoor activity".
“I want to especially thank the groups who are offering a welcome and friendship to parents and children who have newly arrived to Ireland and into the community.”
Last year, 395 groups Parent & Toddler groups received grants. First 5, the Whole-of-Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families, recognises children’s early years as a critical and distinct period to be enjoyed.
Conditions apply and the City and County Childcare Committees are available to discuss requirements with new and existing groups. Contact details for all of the CCCs are available at - City and County Childcare Committees
Applications for the 2025 Parent & Toddler Grant open on Friday, 21 February and close on Friday, 21 March.
While Parent and Toddler Groups are traditionally aimed at parents, they can include childminders, grandparents and other guardians.
Funding is available for:
- Toys, equipment and books for indoor and outdoor activities, and children’s refreshments and snacks.
- Cleaning supplies.
- Storage for equipment.
- Training for parents, e.g. paediatric first aid, committee skills, parenting courses, facilitate sessions.
- First aid kit.
- Promotional Leaflets including any required translations.
- Children’s activities, e.g. arts and crafts, music.
- Limited funding will be available towards insurance and/or rent.
The maximum allowable total funding to be granted to new Parent and Toddler Groups in 2025 is €1,300 and the maximum allowable funding to be granted to existing Parent and Toddler Groups is €1,100.