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Our site is packed with information so whether you're a parent, working with children, interested in a childcare career or just browsing, this is the place for you!

Offaly County Childcare Committee is located at a new address:  8 O'Connor Square, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 PD61

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Overview of the Policy, Social and Economic Context Related to Growing Up in Ireland Cohort ‘24

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth 

Published on 13 April 2023 Overview of Policy Social and Economic Context Related to Growing Up in Ireland Cohort 24


This paper was produced by the Research and Evaluation Unit (REU) to support and inform the establishment of a new Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) Infant Cohort. This will be known as GUI Cohort 24’. Pilot data collection by the Central Statistics Office, from a large national sample of parents and their 9 month old infants is scheduled for 2023, with the main phase data collection scheduled for 2024. The paper provides an overview of the policy, social and economic context related to the new infant cohort.


The paper is organised into two main sections. The first provides an introduction to the topic and outlines the relevant priorities under First 5, the whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families. The second section details the wider policy landscape, highlighting the key data needs and gaps relevant to the new infant cohort and Growing Up in Ireland.


Image: None

Overview of the Policy, Social and Economic Context Related to Growing Up in Ireland Cohort ‘24

Report on a Public Consultation on a Review of Regulations for Early Learning and Care

This report presents the findings from a public consultation on the review of the Regulations governing early learning and care that took place between March andreport on review of regulations 12 04 2023 October 2022. The review primarily focused on enforcement powers of the Tusla Early Years Inspectorate, the independent statutory regulator for the sector. The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth also took the opportunity to undertake a wider examination of lessons learned from the implementation of the Regulations since 2016.

This report was commissioned by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, and produced by ACE Communication Ireland.

Report on a Public Consultation on a Review of Regulations for Early Learning and Care - March 2023

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Further information on the public consultation is available here.

Statement of Strategy 2023 Draft Survey

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is currently preparing a new Statement of Strategy to cover the period 2023-2025. It will setDCEDIY logo out our high-level goals and objectives as well as the strategies and actions to be progressed to achieve our mission.


Following the publication of the Department’s last Statement of Strategy in March 2021, we have succeeded in achieving a wide range of goals across our policy areas.

Our Statement of Strategy 2021-2023 included the following 6 strategic goals.

  • We will develop, implement and influence evidence informed policies and legislation that improve the outcomes for those we serve.
  • We will ensure the provision of a range of quality and sustainable services, underpinned by strategic investment, that meet the needs of individuals, families and communities.
  • We will help those who are vulnerable, including children, young people and at risk individuals, to overcome adverse circumstances and to achieve their full potential.
  • We will promote the development of a progressive, respectful and equal society, informed by the experiences of past generations and seek to respond to the needs of survivors.
  • We will work in partnership with individuals, families and communities, and across Government Departments, public bodies and civil society to achieve better outcomes.
  • We will maintain high standards of performance and corporate governance with engaged, motivated and supported staff.

These goals were framed by the 2020 Programme for Government 2020 and the following priority areas contained therein:-

1. White Paper on Direct Provision: Commitment: Publish a White Paper by end-2020

2. Capping of Parental Childcare Fees: Commitment: Publish a policy, legal and economic analysis on capping of parental fees irrespective of income, including an examination of what happens in other countries.

3. Successor Strategy to Better Outcomes Brighter Futures: Commitment: Publish and Implement a successor to Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures

4. Implementation of commitments in First Five: Commitment: Implement the First Five Strategy

5. Early Years Pay: Commitment: Support the establishment of a Joint Labour Committee in the childcare sector and the drawing up of an Employment Regulation Order, which would determine minimum rates of pay for childcare workers, as well as terms and conditions of employment.

6. Action Plan on Racism: Commitment: Publish a new Action Plan against Racism.

7. Implement HIQA (Health Information and Quality Authority) Report on Tusla: Commitment: Fully implement Tusla’s Action Plan on the Recommendations of the HIQA Statutory Investigation into Tusla’s Management of Referrals (June 2018).

8. Childminding Action Plan: Commitment: Examine options to increase flexibility within centre- based care, as well as options to accelerate access to subsidies for non-relative childminders, with a report to be published by year-end.

9. Youth Services: Commitment: Continue to invest in youth work.

10. Comhairle na nÓg: Commitment: Seek to increase funding and establish a Rural Youth Assembly.

11. LGBTI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex +): Commitment: Implement the LGBTI+ Youth Strategy.

12. Domestic Violence: Commitment: Undertake an examination of paid domestic violence leave.

13. Equality: Commitment: Minister has expressed support for adding socio-economic status as a tenth ground for discrimination under the Equal Status Acts.

In light of our evolving landscape, now is an opportune time to develop a new Statement of Strategy which will outline the strategic vision of this department in the coming years. We welcome the views of interested stakeholders.

The Department is inviting submissions from stakeholders in relation to its Statement of Strategy to be received by 5pm on 2nd of May 2023. Click here to submit a response. You will have the opportunity to respond to a series of questions about the Department’s goals and objectives, as well as to tell us what you think we should prioritise in the coming period.

We would request that organisations submit one coordinated response, however individuals are also welcome to submit their views.

Freedom of Information Notice
Please note that submissions will be subject to the Freedom of Information Acts. On completion of this consultation the department may publish all submissions online.


New workers’ rights, including domestic violence leave, introduced under the Work Life Balance Bill passed by the Oireachtas

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth 

Published on 30 March 2023

Last updated on 30 March 2023

Minister Roderic O’Gorman has today welcomed the Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 passing all Stages in the Oireachtas. The Bill provides for the introduction of new rights for employees to support a better balance of family life, work life and caring responsibilities. The Bill also seeks to support those who are victims of domestic violence through the introduction of a statutory paid leave entitlement of five days.

The Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 introduces:

  • 5 days unpaid leave for medical care purposes for parents of children under 12, and carers
  • 5 days paid leave for victims of domestic violence
  • The right to request flexible working for parents and carers
  • The right to request remote working for all employees
  • 2 years breastfeeding breaks

Minister O’Gorman said:

Roderic OGorman“The Work Life Balance Bill represents a significant advance in workers’ rights in Ireland. It recognises the importance of family life and an improved quality of life for all workers, by supporting employees to achieve a better balance between their home lives and work lives. The passing of this Bill introduces a statutory entitlement to carer’s leave, the right to request flexible and remote working, and makes breastfeeding breaks a reality for women returning to work from maternity leave."

Minister O’Gorman went on to say:

"The introduction of domestic violence leave under this Bill is particularly important. Ireland is one of the first countries to introduce statutory domestic violence leave and I believe that this will make a real and meaningful difference for victims of domestic violence. Crucially, it will support those who are victims of domestic violence to leave abusive relationships. This leave was an important commitment in the Programme for Government and I hope it will lead to greater awareness of domestic violence in all its forms.”

The Bill will now go to the President to be signed into law.

The Bill also includes amendments to the Maternity Protection Acts to ensure that transgender men who have given birth can access maternity leave; amendments to the Adoption Act to make changes to the quorum requirements for the Adoption Board and amendments to the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 to amend the pension payment arrangements for former employees of the Irish Human Rights Commission.

The Work Life Balance and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2022 transposes into Irish law Articles 6 and 9 of the EU Work Life Balance Directive.

💢Review of Special Education Legislation💢

CLOSING DATE EXTENDED: 24th March 2023review of EPSEN act

The Department of Education wants to hear your views on your personal experience with Special Education

The Department of Education is responsible for supporting schools all around the country. We want to hear from students who have special educational needs, who are in school or recently finished school about your experience in school. We also want to hear from parents, teachers, special needs assistants, school staff and members of the public about your experience with the special education system.
There is a law that governs how education is provided to students with special educational needs. This law is known as the EPSEN Act 2004.

It has been the law for about 18 years.

The Department is looking at this law, to see if it is suitable and if it works in the way that it should.

Part of looking at the law to see if it works properly is hearing from you about what you think about your experience of the school system

The Department of Education wants to hear your views on your personal experience with Special Education

They want to hear what you think – what works well and what could work better?

There is a set of questions online that you can answer, or you can tell the department what you think by sending your ideas about education for children and young people with special educational needs to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

These surveys may be found at the following links:
• Survey for students and young persons who have left the education system -

• Survey for staff –

• Survey for parents and members of the public -

• Individuals or organisations that wish to make a submission to the review -

Further details can be accessed in the consultation paper at this link Consultation Paper:

The closing date for survey and open submission responses is 24th March 2023.📅

Supporting Quality Childcare in Offaly

Offaly County Childcare Committee support the development of quality, affordable, inclusive, accessible childcare and family friendly services for all children in every part of the county.

Offaly County Childcare Committee has been meeting since May 2001 and is made up of representatives from the statutory sector, social partners, community groups, voluntary groups, the Community and Voluntary Forum, National Voluntary Children's Organisations, providers of childcare, and parents - all of whom have a vested interest in childcare provision in the county.

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