Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

Childcare Providers

Supports for Childcare Providers

The aim of this section is to support providers in accessing quality information as easily as possible on a range of issues such as applying for Capital Grants, implementing Síolta & Aistear, understanding Better Start, keep updated on PIP and The Hive, see and plan for Upcoming Events, keep informed on Child Protection, prepare for Compliance Visits and view other relevant topics in the Industry Updates Section. 

You will be able to share news and relevant information with us and other services on the Forum, advertise your vacancies on the Job Board and hopefully utilise the information on the website to have questions answered. Please advise us if there is information you would like to see on the site which would be useful to you on 057 9135878.  

Setting up a Childcare Service
Jobs Board 
Capital Grants
Siolta & Aistear
Better Start
PIP & The Hive
Voice & Choice Programme
Up Coming Events for Providers
Child Safeguarding
Compliance Process
Industry Up-dates
Events Calendar
School Age Childcarechool Age Childcare
AIM for Providers




