Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

Compliance Process for DCEDIY Childcare Funding Programmes

2023-2024 Compliance Process for Funding Programmes:  

The compliance process will involve a series of standardised checks aimed at confirming adherence with programme rules and contract conditions as set out by the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration & Youth (DCEDIY).

It is advised that providers prepare for an unannounced compliance inspection by collating relevant information for review, preferably in a Compliance Folder which can be made readily available to the Visit Officer on arrival. This will ensure minimum disruption and expedite the compliance inspection.

In this regard Pobal request that the person in charge on-site has access to the Compliance Folder / records in the event of an unannounced inspection. Please only maintain compliance related information in the Compliance Folder.


NCS - National Childcare Scheme

ECCE - Early Childhood Care and Education 

CCSP - Community Childcare Subvention Saver Programme

