Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

Minister O’Gorman launches National Quality Guidelines for School-Age Childcare Services

Minister O’Gorman launches National Quality Guidelines for School-Age Childcare ServicesNational Quality Guidelines for School Age Childcare Services

Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., has launched National Quality Guidelines for School-Age Childcare Services.

The National Quality Guidelines describe the features of good quality practice in childcare services for school-age children, including both after-school and holiday childcare services. The National Quality Guidelines will be an important resource for the diverse range of services that provide school-age childcare in Ireland today.

This publication is the output of a Working Group set up by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs in line with the first action identified in the Action Plan for School Age Childcare (2017). The Working Group brought together stakeholders and experts in school-age childcare, who worked intensively over an extended period to develop the Guidelines.

These National Quality Guidelines will assist, guide and inspire school-age childcare services to reach beyond the minimum standards set out in regulations. The Guidelines give central importance to children’s rights, child protection and welfare, equality and diversity, and environmentalism.

Speaking at today’s webinar launch, Minister O’Gorman said:

“I warmly welcome the publication of the National Quality Guidelines. These Guidelines will support school-age childcare providers and practitioners to give the best possible care for children.

“We all want to see childcare places that children will look forward to attending, and the guidelines published today will help achieve that. I would like to thank the Working Group for the effort and care they gave to produce this important resource.”

Consultation played a key part in the development of these guidelines. It included a consultation with children in 2016, a consultation with parents and providers in 2019, and a testing of the final draft Guidelines with a number of providers in 2020.

Minister O’Gorman also today published a report on the public consultation that took place to inform the development of comprehensive regulations and quality standards for school-age childcare. The process included an opportunity for public input into an earlier draft of the quality guidelines.

Minister O’Gorman added:

“The publication of the National Quality Guidelines recognises the importance of school-age childcare in the lives of children and families. The consultation process we carried out is part of our commitment to listen to those involved in school-age childcare and ensure that their voice informs new policy”.

The National Quality Guidelines for School Age Childcare Services are available here.

Plans for the roll-out, and training in the use, of the National Quality Guidelines will be announced over the coming months.


Funding for Parent & Toddler Groups

Parent & Toddler Group Initiative Grants 2024Parent Toddler Grant Initiative Thumbnail Image 21 03 202424

Applications for the Parent & Toddler Grants 2024 are now OPEN.     

Would you like to set up a new Parent & Toddler Group in your locality?

A Grant is available, please information and documents below.

Information on Grants Available:

  • Applications for funding under this scheme should only be made by P&T Groups that are organised on a not-for-profit basis and involve the participation of parents/guardians to include
  • recently arrived parents and children from Ukraine and other countries in the community.
  • Grants will normally range from €100 to a total maximum of €1,300. New start up groups may apply for a grant of up to €1, 000; existing P&T Groups can apply for up to €800.
  • There is also a maximum of €300 available to operate/establish Buggy Walking Groups.
  • Groups are advised to contact their local CCC for further information in respect to this additional funding option (as the maximum allowable funding is €1,300, new groups who are
  • applying for €1,000 are eligible to apply for this additional amount).

Funding will be available for:

  • Toys, equipment, and books for indoor and outdoor activities, including children’s refreshments.
  • Storage for equipment.
  • Training for parents, e.g. paediatric first aid, committee skills, parenting courses, facilitated sessions,
  • Promotional Leaflets including any required translations.
  • Children’s activities, e.g. arts and crafts, music.
  • Limited funding will be available towards insurance or rent, up to a maximum of 50% of total funding for existing services.
  • Limited funding will be available towards insurance or rent, up to a maximum of 70% of total funding for new services.
  • An amount of up to €300 is available for the establishment of buggy walking groups. It is envisaged that these groups, once established, will involve groups of parents/guardians and children meeting for organised walks on a regular basis (a minimum of 6 walking sessions) in their local community.

Funding will not be available for:

  • Groups operating out of private homes.
  • One off events such as outings, parties and trips.
  • P&T Groups with a closing balance of €3,000 or more in the previous year (except where a P&T Group can provide a signed declaration that the funding available to the P&T group is under €3,000).
  • Groups who received funding in previous years and did not return the Progress Report and receipts for items purchased.

Additional Information:

  • P&T Groups should have a Bank Account/Credit Union or Post Office Account. The money taken at each session, any grants received by the group or money received from fundraising should be paid into the account. Spending on the group’s behalf should be paid for by cheque/draft or electronic means. All transactions involving the group’s money should be recorded and all receipts kept.
  • Applications from P&T Groups will only be accepted from groups known to their local CCC.  New groups should arrange to meet an Offaly CCC staff representative prior to application deadline.
  • Existing P&T Groups must submit evidence of appropriate insurance with their application.  New P&T Groups should submit evidence of insurance within the first month of receiving the grant.


Application Guidelines - Parent & Toddler Group Initiative Grants 2024

Applicatition Form - Parent & Toddler Group Initiative Grants 2024

Data Protection Permission Form - Parent & Toddler Group Initiative Grants 2024

For more information contact:  Siobhán Egan M: 085 178 3397, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



















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