Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

Children's Research Network - Screen-use Behaviour From Infancy to Preschool Children: A Focus on Home and Care Settings

The CRN Digital Technologies Special Interest Group is hosting a free webinar on Screen-use Behaviour From Infancy to Preschool Children: A Focus on Home and Care Settings at 5pm on 27 Nov!


The Children's Research Network invite you to attend the first online event of the new Digital Technologies Special Interest Group. This event focuses on screen-use behaviour from infancy stage to preschool age. We will explore digital technology in both home and early childcare settings. Different types and quality features of screen-use in early childcare and education settings will be discussed along with links between home screen-use and factors such as sleep and self-regulation across this early developmental stage. The webinar will feature two keynote presentations: first from Dr Michelle Downes on 'Screen-use, sleep and behaviour from infancy to preschool', followed by Sylwia O’Rourke on ‘The use of digital technology in early childhood education and care settings’. These presentations will be followed by a group discussion on the issues raised.

You can register to attend the webinar via this link:
