Dear Services,
A nationwide vacant capacity survey is now taking place through the Childcare Committees. The survey is designed to gain valuable information on where there are vacant places and capacity across the country.
The survey (which should take between 5 and 10 minutes of your time) aims to capture two categories of data:
1. Do you currently have any vacant places and if so in which age categories. (A vacant place means availability five days per week)
2. Are you currently operating at your Tusla registered capacity, and do you expect this to change by September 2024 and if so why.
We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete the survey, even if you are operating at full capacity and have no vacancies, we would appreciate you making a return as we have been asked to get a response from 100% of our service providers.
Below is the link to the survey.
The survey opens today and will close on 10th may. If you have any questions or would like to complete the survey via telephone call or in person with a visit form a staff member, please contact me on 086 8664015.
April 19th – Survey opens
May 10th – Survey closes
Week of 6th May – support phone calls to services who haven’t completed the survey.
Kind regards