Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

First 5 Ukraine Response and Supports

From Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth 

Published on 20 September 2023 DCEDIY logo

Last updated on 20 September 2023

  1. Introduction

  2. Resources for Staff

  3. Resources for Practice First 5


We have all witnessed the devastating impact of the ongoing war in Ukraine and the unfolding humanitarian crisis as more and more people are forced to flee their homes. We all want to do what we can to help those in need.

At both local and national government level in Ireland provisions are being made available to give Ukrainians fleeing the conflict a warm welcome. At local level City and County Childcare Committees are supporting Ukrainian children and families with access and participation to Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School-Age Childcare (SAC) services. We know that many ELC/SAC services have already welcomed children and families into their settings and many more will do so over the coming weeks and months.

There are links below to a number of resources for practice and for staff. They are intended to be of benefit to early years educators, school-age practitioners, children and families in many different circumstances across all communities. They are intended to support the well-being and inclusion of refugee children both from Ukraine and from other conflict zones.

Every ELC and SAC setting is different and service providers will need to use their professional judgement in determining how best to welcome and support children and families while ensuring high quality practice to support children’s well-being, learning and development.

The well-being, health and safety of children, their families and those working in the sector is a priority. This web-page provides guidance and signposting for service providers on the supports and resources available to ELC and SAC services. More resources will be added to this web-page over the coming weeks. You are therefore advised to check for updates.

Resources for Staff

This page contains a number of resources and supports to guide and assist providers, educators and practitioners in relation to their own well-being.

Resources for Practice

This page contains a number of resources and supports to guide and assist educators and practitioners in relation to supporting children's well-being, learning and development.

Information for Parents:


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