Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

Report on a Public Consultation on a Review of Regulations for Early Learning and Care

This report presents the findings from a public consultation on the review of the Regulations governing early learning and care that took place between March andreport on review of regulations 12 04 2023 October 2022. The review primarily focused on enforcement powers of the Tusla Early Years Inspectorate, the independent statutory regulator for the sector. The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth also took the opportunity to undertake a wider examination of lessons learned from the implementation of the Regulations since 2016.

This report was commissioned by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, and produced by ACE Communication Ireland.

Report on a Public Consultation on a Review of Regulations for Early Learning and Care - March 2023

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Further information on the public consultation is available here.


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