Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

Statement of Strategy 2023 Draft Survey

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth is currently preparing a new Statement of Strategy to cover the period 2023-2025. It will setDCEDIY logo out our high-level goals and objectives as well as the strategies and actions to be progressed to achieve our mission.


Following the publication of the Department’s last Statement of Strategy in March 2021, we have succeeded in achieving a wide range of goals across our policy areas.

Our Statement of Strategy 2021-2023 included the following 6 strategic goals.

  • We will develop, implement and influence evidence informed policies and legislation that improve the outcomes for those we serve.
  • We will ensure the provision of a range of quality and sustainable services, underpinned by strategic investment, that meet the needs of individuals, families and communities.
  • We will help those who are vulnerable, including children, young people and at risk individuals, to overcome adverse circumstances and to achieve their full potential.
  • We will promote the development of a progressive, respectful and equal society, informed by the experiences of past generations and seek to respond to the needs of survivors.
  • We will work in partnership with individuals, families and communities, and across Government Departments, public bodies and civil society to achieve better outcomes.
  • We will maintain high standards of performance and corporate governance with engaged, motivated and supported staff.

These goals were framed by the 2020 Programme for Government 2020 and the following priority areas contained therein:-

1. White Paper on Direct Provision: Commitment: Publish a White Paper by end-2020

2. Capping of Parental Childcare Fees: Commitment: Publish a policy, legal and economic analysis on capping of parental fees irrespective of income, including an examination of what happens in other countries.

3. Successor Strategy to Better Outcomes Brighter Futures: Commitment: Publish and Implement a successor to Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures

4. Implementation of commitments in First Five: Commitment: Implement the First Five Strategy

5. Early Years Pay: Commitment: Support the establishment of a Joint Labour Committee in the childcare sector and the drawing up of an Employment Regulation Order, which would determine minimum rates of pay for childcare workers, as well as terms and conditions of employment.

6. Action Plan on Racism: Commitment: Publish a new Action Plan against Racism.

7. Implement HIQA (Health Information and Quality Authority) Report on Tusla: Commitment: Fully implement Tusla’s Action Plan on the Recommendations of the HIQA Statutory Investigation into Tusla’s Management of Referrals (June 2018).

8. Childminding Action Plan: Commitment: Examine options to increase flexibility within centre- based care, as well as options to accelerate access to subsidies for non-relative childminders, with a report to be published by year-end.

9. Youth Services: Commitment: Continue to invest in youth work.

10. Comhairle na nÓg: Commitment: Seek to increase funding and establish a Rural Youth Assembly.

11. LGBTI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex +): Commitment: Implement the LGBTI+ Youth Strategy.

12. Domestic Violence: Commitment: Undertake an examination of paid domestic violence leave.

13. Equality: Commitment: Minister has expressed support for adding socio-economic status as a tenth ground for discrimination under the Equal Status Acts.

In light of our evolving landscape, now is an opportune time to develop a new Statement of Strategy which will outline the strategic vision of this department in the coming years. We welcome the views of interested stakeholders.

The Department is inviting submissions from stakeholders in relation to its Statement of Strategy to be received by 5pm on 2nd of May 2023. Click here to submit a response. You will have the opportunity to respond to a series of questions about the Department’s goals and objectives, as well as to tell us what you think we should prioritise in the coming period.

We would request that organisations submit one coordinated response, however individuals are also welcome to submit their views.

Freedom of Information Notice
Please note that submissions will be subject to the Freedom of Information Acts. On completion of this consultation the department may publish all submissions online.



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