Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

💢Review of Special Education Legislation💢

CLOSING DATE EXTENDED: 24th March 2023review of EPSEN act

The Department of Education wants to hear your views on your personal experience with Special Education

The Department of Education is responsible for supporting schools all around the country. We want to hear from students who have special educational needs, who are in school or recently finished school about your experience in school. We also want to hear from parents, teachers, special needs assistants, school staff and members of the public about your experience with the special education system.
There is a law that governs how education is provided to students with special educational needs. This law is known as the EPSEN Act 2004.

It has been the law for about 18 years.

The Department is looking at this law, to see if it is suitable and if it works in the way that it should.

Part of looking at the law to see if it works properly is hearing from you about what you think about your experience of the school system

The Department of Education wants to hear your views on your personal experience with Special Education

They want to hear what you think – what works well and what could work better?

There is a set of questions online that you can answer, or you can tell the department what you think by sending your ideas about education for children and young people with special educational needs to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

These surveys may be found at the following links:
• Survey for students and young persons who have left the education system -

• Survey for staff –

• Survey for parents and members of the public -

• Individuals or organisations that wish to make a submission to the review -

Further details can be accessed in the consultation paper at this link Consultation Paper:

The closing date for survey and open submission responses is 24th March 2023.📅


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