Offaly County Childcare Committee -   057 9135878  -

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Welcome to Offaly County Childcare Committee

Our site is packed with information so whether you're a parent, working with children, interested in a childcare career or just browsing, this is the place for you!

Offaly County Childcare Committee is located at a new address:  8 O'Connor Square, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, R35 PD61

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What we do

Support for the Childcare Sector

Offaly County Childcare Committee provides a variety of supports to the childcare sector including organising, facilitating, delivering training, cluster group meetings, workshops and forum meetings. Potential Childcare Providers and Childminders wishing to set up a new childcare service can call the office to arrange an appointment with the Support and Development Workers who will support the potential provider through the process of establishing a new service.

Offaly County Childcare Committee supports Parent & Toddler Groups to set up and to develop their groups. The Support & Development Workers can offer a six week programme to groups, which centres around child and adult interactions. The programme is tailored to the needs of individual groups and can include music and movement, arts & crafts, basic cookery with children, storytelling, physical development etc. For further details contact the office on 057-9135878.

Offaly CCC supports the development of Quality Childcare Services in Offaly.

We work with service providers and potential providers to assist them to develop and / or expand a service. Please feel free to contact us if you need support, advice and/or information on any of the following:

  • Carrying out a needs assessment
  • Setting up a Childcare Service
  • Expanding a Childcare service
  • Setting up as a Childminder
  • Setting up a Parent & Toddler Group
  • Entry into the ECCE Scheme
  • Childcare Training
  • Childminder Development Grants
  • Quality Development in a Service
  • Síolta (Quality Framework)
  • Voice & Choice (Afterschool Support Programme)
  • Books and publications relating to childcare

These are just a few of our publications to date:

Directory of Childcare Services in Offaly:

This Directory gives the definition of the different types of childcare services i.e. full day care, sessional, playgroup etc. It provides information on childcare services. It also gives a list of Parent & Toddler groups, Crèches, Playgroups and After-Schools in Offaly. It is available to parents who are looking for childcare facilities for their children.

Spraoi Le Cheile:
This resource manual for use with children of all ages was compiled by the Border, Midlands and West County Childcare Committees. The A5 sized manual includes rhymes, poems, songs and games which were contributed by people from the 14 counties involved who remembered them from their childhood. Contributions were made in both Irish and English and both languages are reflected in the manual. Manuals will be distributed to services over the coming months and are available free of charge to parents.

Benefits of Playgroup/Preschool for your Child:
The government has recently given due recognition to the role of early childhood care and education. This booklet was prepared by Offaly County Childcare Committee to help parents and childcare providers to recognise the benefits for children of Early Childhood Care and Education. The booklet informs parents of the various programmes available in Offaly as well as the skills that children may acquire while attending playgroup/pre-school.

A Parent’s Guide to Choosing Childcare:
Choosing a childcare service for your child can be a very anxious time for parents. As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child is safe and happy in a child care environment that is fun, educational and nurturing. This booklet was prepared by Offaly County Childcare Committee to help parents to identify the types of childcare options that are available and to assist parents to make an informed choice that suits you and your child/ren.

Quality Play for Adults and Children:
“A playing child is a learning child”. This leaflet outlines the ages and stage appropriate play for children from birth to 4 years of age.

Child-minder Advisory Pack:
This pack aims to support child-minders in providing a Quality Child-minding Service and complements the voluntary notification process and the National Guidelines for Child-minders. The Support pack contains sample Child-minding Policies and Procedures, Record Keeping Forms and an Information Booklet for Child-minders.

 A copy of any of these publications can be obtained by contacting Frances on 085 228 4121

About Offaly County Childcare Committee

Offaly County Childcare Committee is a Company Limited by Guarantee funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) to support the implementation of the National Childcare Programmes at local level.

Offaly CCC proactively works to support the development of quality early learning and care in County Offaly to bring about positive outcomes for children and families.

Offaly CCC works with:

• New and existing Early Years services
• Childminders
• Parents
• Early Years staff and Early Years students
• Local key stakeholders who have a remit for supporting early childhood care in the county

The committee was established in May 2001 and is made up of representatives from the statutory sector, social partners, community groups, voluntary groups, the Community and Voluntary Forum, providers of early learning and care, and parents - all of who have a vested interest in early years provision in the County

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Supporting Quality Childcare in Offaly

Offaly County Childcare Committee support the development of quality, affordable, inclusive, accessible childcare and family friendly services for all children in every part of the county.

Offaly County Childcare Committee has been meeting since May 2001 and is made up of representatives from the statutory sector, social partners, community groups, voluntary groups, the Community and Voluntary Forum, National Voluntary Children's Organisations, providers of childcare, and parents - all of whom have a vested interest in childcare provision in the county.

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