* Hive Announcements

Updated Financial Management Tool now available on the Early Years Hive

Dear Service Provider,07 01 2025 FMT update thumbnail

An updated version of the Financial Management Tool (FMT) for 2024/25 is now available on the Early Years Hive here. The FMT was developed by The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) as an optional support for services that do not have their own accountancy software packages. It can be used to prepare a trial balance, which Core Funding Partner Services will be required to submit to fulfil their financial reporting obligation after the end of the 2024/25 programme year.

The FMT can be used on an ongoing basis now to record financial information and make this report easier to generate when it is due. Using the FMT can also help an organisation to make informed and timely financial decisions and take corrective actions where needed.

This update fixes some bugs in the tool that were brought to the Department’s attention by local CCCs. Guidance documents relating to the tool are also available on the Hive and your local CCC can provide support with using it.


The Early Years Team


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